This is how you can support us as a member of CONFIDENCIAL CLUB, our Membership Program

Programa de Membresía CONFIDENCIAL CLUB

CONFIDENCIAL CLUB is a community of supporters that stands with CONFIDENCIAL in our commitment to defending press freedom. As a member of our Membership Program, we unite forces in the fight against the official silence imposed by the Ortega-Murillo dictatorship in Nicaragua.

Our Membership Program CONFIDENCIAL CLUB has consolidated and contributed to the sustainability of our media outlet, enabling us to continue publishing the most relevant stories for Nicaraguans while we resist exile.

On March 21, 2024, we simplified our payment system and revamped the design of our website to improve the navigation and usability for members of CONFIDENCIAL CLUB. Today, supporting CONFIDENCIAL and independent journalism is easier and safer than ever.


All information published on or broadcast on YouTube and other CONFIDENCIAL platforms remains free and accessible to everyone, regardless of their ability to contribute financially.

As an Allied Member or Donor of CONFIDENCIAL CLUB, you contribute financially on behalf of those who cannot, ensuring that our independent journalism continues to thrive. As a Friend Member, you assist us in enriching the public debate in Nicaragua, which is crucial in a country where freedom of expression is limited.

Allies, Donors, and Friends of CONFIDENCIAL CLUB are not subscribers but rather members of a community that supports CONFIDENCIAL‘s continued existence. Each contribution is invaluable as it enables us to invest in deep, rigorous, and high-quality journalism backed by verified sources.

Overall, the CONFIDENCIAL CLUB Membership Program is an open invitation to readers who value CONFIDENCIAL‘s independent journalism. There are various ways to contribute to our cause, whether by supporting us financially as Allied Members or Donors or joining as Friend Members and actively engaging with our editorial team.

CONFIDENCIAL CLUB Members: Ally, Donor, or Friend. How would you like to support us?

With the relaunch of our CONFIDENCIAL CLUB Membership Program in 2023, we transformed how our readers contribute to our sustainability. Since then, we have offered the opportunity to join as Allied Members, Donors, and Friend Members. Here are the differences between each:

Allied Members

These are individuals who choose to be our Allies. They provide financial support with monthly or yearly contributions, choosing the amount that best suits their capabilities. They receive exclusive benefits in exchange for their support.


Our support community is diverse, as is our audience. Donors are individuals who support us financially through One-time Donations or Recurring donations, without becoming members or receiving the benefits of the Membership Program.

Friend Members

Instead of providing financial contributions, Friends Members support CONFIDENCIAL by actively engaging with our editorial team and participating in various virtual activities. They receive the same benefits as Allied Members and can also choose to support us financially through one-time donations if they wish.

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