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Why donate to CONFIDENCIAL?
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Your contribution allows us to report from exile
The Ortega-Murillo dictatorship forced us to leave the country and intends to censor us. Your financial support ensures that our journalism coverage remains open to everyone, without paywalls, at a key moment in Nicaragua’s history.
Your financial support is vital
We are a Nicaraguan media outlet founded in 1996 by journalist Carlos Fernando Chamorro. For 27 years, we have investigated and told the truth about what is happening in Nicaragua with the highest standards of quality, contributing to the development of critical and well-informed citizenship.
In December 2018, our newsroom was raided by the National Police and forcibly occupied until its definitive and illegal confiscation in February 2021. Since mid-2021, the team behind CONFIDENCIAL has been in exile to continue informing the population about the abuses of the Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo regime.
Despite the criminalization of press freedom and expression in Nicaragua, our team remains committed to independent journalism and keeping our website open and free for all our audiences. By being part of our community of committed individual donors defending press freedom, you contribute to our sustainability and help us build our editorial independence.
Under the de facto police state, there is no freedom of expression, assembly, or association in Nicaragua. Independent journalism, done from exile, is the last bastion of all constitutional freedoms for millions of Nicaraguans. Our exile is no longer a temporary emergency situation, but a permanent condition that poses immense challenges to our profession. Thank you for supporting our journalistic work through a donation.
Donations to CONFIDENCIAL are completely secure and anonymous. Please note that individual donors do not receive the benefits of the Membership Program. Do you have questions or suggestions? Write to us at: [email protected]